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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

Review Sister's Watching by Cammy May Hunnicut

I was in dire need of some light yet exciting reading. This short story delivered just that. Erotic without getting tacky. Fun is had by all, me included.

Cammy tells this short in a pace which keeps you glued to the pages. She steams up the windows but with a smile. It took me an hour to read it twice and it was time well spend.

Seeing this is a short short (28 pages on my ereader) I cannot say much more without giving away the plot. But what I can say is the sisters are a real treat, as is the main man. The author writes in a casual style, yet never too. The characters come alive and the scene is properly set.

Shot story short. If you have an hour to spare and am looking for a bit of fun, and steamy instant satisfaction (pun intended) read this short, but make sure you have a man at hand.

If you like an erotic read with a smile get your copy today. It is available at Amazon

Source: http://lucypireel.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/review-sisters-watching-by-cammy-may-hunnicut