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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

Everville: The First Pillar

Everville: The First Pillar - Roy Huff Everville - The First Pillar by Roy HuffReviewed by Lucy PireelWith this novel, which is like Harry Potter aimed at a younger public, the author very crafty draws in the adult reader too. He does so by creating fully developed characters whom I could root for. Plus the world he created is utterly believable. The plot has some very nice surprises. It is hard to write an elaborate review without giving away spoilers and I would hate to do so, because the fun of this book are those twists and unexpected shifts, which are by the way properly foreshadowed to the observant reader.All in all a book well worth your time and money—to both the adult and young reader.