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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

Confronting the Demon by Ciara Ballintyne

Confronting the Demon - Ciara Ballintyne

Confronting the Demon by Ciara Ballintyne

Reviewed by Lucy Pireel


Demons and magic, betrayal and love, and a mystery as the cherry on top. This short story, or is it a novella, was well rounded, but so well written I wanted more when I reached the end.

I rooted for the characters almost from the start. The world and scenes were all very skilled written and had me imagining how it would all look. The Demon, now that was a surprise, and from now on I’ll not be able to eat a certain kind of seafood without thinking of this little book of surprises.

As a bonus the author threw in a short story to compensate for the fact that the main feature was only a mere 69 pages on my ereader. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was too short at all, but I want more!

Right, the short bonus story. More magic and magically written too. A well crafted love mystery with an end that made me smile.