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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

Review Her Older Man by Lorraine Sears

Her Older Man - Lorraine Sears

A nice story, but instead of beginning at the start of it the author opted for a short info dump to begin with to bring us up to speed and then rolled out the story. An opportunity missed to turn a nice story into a great story.

I liked the romantic notion and could feel for the main characters, although I must admit the whole swooning over the man and how fantastic he looks was a bit much. However, that might just be me not being the man admiring type of person and having not much patience for women who fall to pieces when their love life isn’t what they wanted it to be.

But having said all that I must admit I liked the read, my only gripe is that it doesn’t start at the beginning.