All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.
This short novella is a true YA. I guess that’s its strength and its weakness. Strength because it will most certainly appeal to the goal audience, and its weakness because adults will see the foolishness of it all. Which will allow them to see the overwhelming amount of sentences beginning with ‘I’.
Yes, it is written in first person POV and however much that works at times in the story, more often it does not and feels very self centred but most of all it reads very limited. But then again isn’t that a true young adult trait, being self centred? Still, even first person doesn’t need that amount of ‘I’.
There are a few typos and some misplaced punctuation, but that doesn’t really matter, since the story is captivating enough. Another gripe is that the story is cut in two while I can’t imagine why because the total is still not a very long one. And I am no fan of ‘forced’ series creating when one book would have been better.
A plus however is the fact that the author used ‘handwritten’ pages with drawings in the book to show the inner workings of the character.
All in all a decent read.