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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

The Baptist by Ruby Barnes

The Baptist - Ruby Barnes

I had flashes of Fight Club while reading this book and after a bit of a struggle to get into it, it grew on me. Actually, it got to the point where I no  longer noticed little flaws I did see in the first part which basically means the writing was solid and captivating.


The characters, especially the Baptist, are so real they come alive in their twisted reality. The scenery was well done, because without being too descriptive the author manages to paint the picture yet leaves enough to the reader's imagination.


There's a surprising twist at the near end that caught me off guard, well done that one.

The  only bit that left me unsatisfied is that the book feels unfinished. It is a proper cliff hanger and you can imagine what happens next, but it would have been better in my opinion if there had been a real resolution.