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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

September Again by Hunter S. Jones

September Again (September Stories) - Hunter S. Jones;An Anonymous English Poet

Once again this author manages to capture and hold my attention the full 97 pages with a story of love, despair, hope, and joy.

In this second September story we continue to follow the life of Liz and her daughter after the death of the great poet Jack O. Savage. Things aren't easy and the author has managed to bring all the struggles alive in a way that makes the reader root for the characters. The fine details show that the author has either done her research really well of writes what she knows from experience. Either way, it makes for a book with real living characters and scenes.

Her dialogues are never once contrived or stilted and each character speaks how you would expect a person from that age, gender, or social group would.

There is enough detail to the scenes to make them more than just a stage for the characters to play on, but never so much that it drowns out the story. A perfect balance between setting a scene and telling the story from within the character's point of view.

The only downside to this great story is that I read it way too fast, or it was too short. On the other hand, it was complete. Had the author written more detail in it, or added scenes to make it longer that would probably have ruined what is now a perfect story.

Would I recommend this book? The answer to that is a big, fat YES! And I cannot wait to read the prequel to this all.