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Lucy Pireel's All That's Written

All that is written has my attention. I love books, reading and writing them as well as promoting authors and their work.

Mariam Kobras
May 2014
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reviewed: Portrait of Woman in Ink: A Tattoo Storybook by Kelly I. Hitchcock
This collection of short stories surprised me by how the author managed to incorporate real life drama and joy into a work of...
Portrait of Woman in Ink - a Tattoo Storybook - Kelly I. Hitchcock
finished reading:
May 2014
currently reading
reviewed: September Again by Hunter S. Jones
Once again this author manages to capture and hold my attention the full 97 pages with a story of love, despair, hope, and jo...
September Again (September Stories) - Hunter S. Jones;An Anonymous English Poet
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started reading:
May 2014
started reading:
finished reading:
May 2014
started following:
April 2014
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started following:
reviewed: Annoyingly Funny Babe
First let me tell you I haven't laughed and was so annoyed at the same time with a character as with Babe while reading this ...
Psychos: A White Girl Problems Book - Babe Walker
read and rated
reviewed: Could have been a great novel with better editing
This techno thriller has a great story premise, but there's too much that needs correction before any serious, or critical re...
OCEAN OF FEAR - Helen Hanson
finished reading:
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